All Undergraduate courses follow a semester pattern with respect to the Teaching and Evaluation process. The Academic year is divided into Two Semesters. Each Semester has two Internal Examinations and an End-Semester Examination.

Choice Based Credit System (CBCS):

Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) is introduced in the college for both UG & PG from the Academic Year 2015 – 2016.

  • Elective Course allows the flexibility in education system – choice for students to select from the prescribed offered papers.
  • Offers opportunities and avenues to learn beyond the core subjects for the holistic development of an individual and allows easy mobility of the students.
  • Makes education broad-based and at par with global standards.

Outline of Choice Based Credit System:

Core Course: To be compulsorily studied by a student as a core requirement to complete the requirement of a programme in a said discipline of study.
Elective Course is a course which can be chosen from a pool of papers

  • Generic Elective: Unrelated discipline/subject
  • Discipline centric: Main discipline/subject

Ability Enhancement Course

  • Ability enhancement Compulsory Course: For Knowledge enhancement(mandatory)
  • Skill Enhancement Courses: value-based and skill-based
  • SEC papers Max Marks:50 (Int:20 ESE:30) only one internal will be conducted.

CBCS Guidelines:

  • Minimum 40% is Pass Mark
  • No Supplementary Examination for those who completed 6 semesters study
  • SGPA Shown in Semester Grade Report (No SGPA if fail in any one of the paper)
  • CGPA is awarded after passing in all 6 semester papers
  • SEC Grade will be Included in SGPA & CGPA
  • No Part I & Part II Separation in final Results
    Only Grades & Credits indicated in the Grade Report

NOTE: Marks will not be shown in Grade report

Grades and Grade Points:

Marks Qualitative Meaning Grades Grades Point
85 and Above Outstanding  O 10
70-84 Excellent A 9
60-69 Good B 8
55-59 Average C 7
50-54 Moderate D 6
40-49 Pass E 5
Less than 40 Fail F 0
Credit Points=Credits*GradePoints
SGPA=Sum of Credit Points Obtained in semester/Total no.of credits in that Semester

Examination System For UG Programmes

Examination system has two components –Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) &End Semester Assessment (ESA).

Theory Papers:
Total Marks: 100 (40 for CIA and 60 for ESA)
Practical papers:
Total Marks: 50 (20 for CIA and 30 for ESA)

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

a. Theory Papers

  1. Internal – I Examination – 30 marks
  2. Internal – II Examination – 30 marks
  3. Skilled Based Test (SBT) – 10 marks

Total: (Internal – I + Internal – II) / 2 + SBT = 40 marks

b. Practical Papers
Internal Practical Exam: 20 marks (Viva- voce, Record submission, Execution)
Note: No Re-Examination will be conducted if the student is absent for internals (The rule applies for both theory and practical papers).

End Semester Assessment (ESA)

a. Theory Papers

  • Written Examination for each subject is conducted for 60 marks with a duration of 3 hours.
  • Students have to secure a minimum of 24 marks (40%) out of 60 in End Semester Examination and a total of 40(CIA+ESA) marks out of 100 marks to pass in every subject.

b. Practical Papers

  • Practical Examination for each subject is conducted for 30 marks with duration of 3 Hours.
  • Students have to secure a minimum of 12 marks (40%) out of 30 in End Semester Practical Examination and a total of 20(CIA+ESA) marks out of 50 marks to pass in every subject.